Årsrapport 2020
15 års hjælp og gode råd til forbrugerne i Europa
I 2020 fejrede Forbruger Europa-netværket, ECC-Net, 15 års jubilæum. ECC-Net opstod i 2005, med det formål at understøtte et velfungerende indre marked ved at tilbyde gratis juridisk hjælp til forbrugere i EU, som handler eller rejser over grænserne. Siden begyndelsen har Forbruger Europa hjulpet mere end en million europæiske forbrugere.
”Over 1 million consumers relied on the network to seek solutions to their problems. I am convinced that the European Consumer Centre Network, with its practical support to consumers, will remain in the future an essential feature of the union’s consumer cooperation.”
”(…) The ECC’s do an incredibly important job to make sure that Europe is not just an area of rights on paper, but is really reassuring consumers that help is there. It’s a service that you ECC’s are offering the citizens for free, so it’s an amazing service that you are doing.”